english / dutch
Advanced GeoGraphixs
Introduction Welcome to Advanced GeoGraphixs.
Advanced GeoGraphixs has been specifically developed for students preparing for their respective exams, VMBO/MAVO (year 3 and 4), HAVO (years 3, 4 and 5) and VWO (Years 3 to 6) and as such offers a wide range of topics, study materials and references. The courses and workshops in Advanced Geographixs are well suited to help you understand and develop the ideas and concepts that will be covered during the geography lessons. Advanced GeoGraphixs is also perfectly suited to assist you writing your final testpapers or the PWS (ProfielWerkStuk).
All workshops and courses in Advanced GeoGraphixs are primarily designed for students from Year 3 on, but are also available for year 1 and 2 students. Please ask your teacher to be advised before embarking on a course. Contents of all courses are in Dutch, but a selected number are also available in Frisian and English. From September 2013 a number will be available in German as well.
All workshops and courses in Advanced GeoGraphixs are primarily designed for students from Year 3 on, but are also available for year 1 and 2 students. Please ask your teacher to be advised before embarking on a course. Contents of all courses are in Dutch, but a selected number are also available in Frisian and English. From September 2013 a number will be available in German as well.
A selected number of workshops and courses are compulsory for our students as their contents are deemed essential in preparation of their exams. |
There are a number optional workshops and courses for you to enjoy. They are primarily designed to broaden and deepen existing knowledge of skills. |
Advanced GeoGraphixs
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